Class 8  Chemistry  Olympiad Exam.

Olympiad Exam Registration for Class 8th Chemistry : School Connect Online is the best learning platform where you can do online registration Science Olympiad, CBSE Science, Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Previous Years Papers with Solution

NSO exam registration | Science Olympiad | Class 8 NSO syllabus | NSO | NSO workbook | Class 8 Olympiad

School Connect Olympiad is an international competition with more than 4 Lakhs students, 23000 Schools, present in 26 countries and is the biggest International Olympiad supported by the team of IITs and IIMs.

Some of our important achievement –

  • Awarded as top 20 best online learning platform by HDFC – Parivartan.

  • First Olympiad in India built by alumnus of IITs and IIMs

  • School Connect Online is the largest Online Olympiad in the world.

  • First and the only Olympiad in the world which has Coding and Artificial Intelligence Olympiad.

Is supported by HDFC Bank Parivartan, Villgro, Start Up Oasis, CIIE.CO

School Connect Online Olympiad, is a program to encourage students for the learning and knowledge of Science from Class 1st  to 12th.

And School Connect is supporting students with free Practice Questions, Mock Tests, Learning Notes and linked videos.

School Connect Online Olympiad is first to give instant solution of Olympiad exam for the self analysis by the students.

Register Now for International Artificial Intelligence (AI) Olympiad  Click here

Register Now for International Coding Olympiad Click here

Register Now for International Maths Olympiad Click here

Register Now for International Science Olympiad here

Olympiad Syllabus For Class 8 NSO

As mentioned above, recommends NCERT books. As per the NCERT textbook of Science for Class 8, the different chapters included in the CBSE syllabus for Class 8 Science are tabulated below:


Name of Chapter

Chapter 1

Crop Production and Management

Chapter 2

Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

Chapter 3

Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

Chapter 4

Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 5

Coal and Petroleum

Chapter 6

Combustion and Flame

Chapter 7

Conservation of Plants and Animals

Chapter 8

Cell — Structure and Functions

Chapter 9

Reproduction in Animals

Chapter 10

Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Chapter 11

Force and Pressure

Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14

Chemical Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 15

Some Natural Phenomena

Chapter 16


Chapter 17

Stars and The Solar System

Chapter 18

Pollution of Air and Water

It is to be noted that the Syllabus for Class 8 science includes the syllabus of all three sections – Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Let us now see what all are included under each of the chapters:

NSO Syllabus For Class 8

Tips to prepare Class 8th Science Olympiad

Follow the tips to follow as your last mile preparation and login to create self learning environment

1. Strategize Your Time

Plan the 24 hours what you have. Study for sufficient time. Go through at least three subjects in a day. Apart from studying, set a time aside for your relaxation. Do whatever interests you – listen to instrumental music, draw, paint or watch an infotainment channel for not more than an hour.

2. Write What You Learn

Once you learnt your topic, make it a habit of writing it down. Experts advice that you must try to write it down at a fast pace though it’s sensible if you don’t spoil your handwriting in this practice. This habit of writing a topic will let you analyze how much time you are taking for it. It will ultimately help you to manage your time during your exam.

3. Don’t Ignore Diagrams

When you are tired of reading, sit and draw diagrams. It will help you not only to relax and but also learn the topic as well. You can figure out what you missed while drawing it and rectify it accordingly.

4. Have Proper Sleep

Eat, Sleep, Study and relax – That should be your motto rather than breaking your head over textbooks and notes. When you are free and lying on your bed before sleep, recall what topics you learnt for the day. Ask yourself which lesson needs some more attention so that you can plan your study for the next day.

5. Exercise /Meditate

Physical movements like – walking, running, jumping, skipping, hiking and biking – metabolizes brain and makes it more active. Research states, 20 minutes of walk make a student’s brain more active than a student sitting quietly. Meditation improves concentration power, IQ level, helps to focus better, reduces stress, depression and anxiety. Thus, these habits will keep you physically and physiologically healthy during your preparation and exams.

6. Create Mental Associations

Try to relate what you learnt with different subjects. Making connections is an easy way to remember a lesson. Steve Jobs once said, “Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something”.

7. Use Mnemonic Technique

8. Study in a Group

Studying in a group helps you to gather new insights from your fellow mates. This process enhances your learning experience. In a group study, you share resources, interact with members and discuss ideas with your team. This habit will make your learning interactive.

9. Watch a Videos  on a Topic with different resources

To learn a subject in a fast and easy way, try to watch a video of the lesson or topic you are studying from School Connect Online. Visuals help to retain things in an easy way.

10. Don’t Stay Up All Night Before Exam

Relax the day before your exam. Revise and go through all relevant topics. Focus on important topics. Have a proper dinner and sleep on time. Before going to bed, get your stationeries, admit card for exam and clothes ready for the next day.

Take practice tests and increase your speed and accuracy from School Connect Online. Manage your time well and complete the syllabus on time.

Remember to login to School Connect Online Demo or Register with one of School Connect learning package to start your journey to become learned with expertise in the subject.

Maths Olympiad  





Class 1

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 1

Class 4

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 4

Class 2

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 2

Class 5

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 5

Class 3

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 3

Class 6

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 6

Maths Olympiad  





Class 7

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 7

Class 10

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 10

Class 8

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 8

Class 11

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 11

Class 9

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 9

Class 12

Maths Olympiad Syllabus Class 12


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